Apresentado por Jeremy Rees, Soul of the Blues é um programa semanal independente dedicado ao blues, apresentado na Radio Cardiff (País de Gales, UK). Sua linha passeia entre o blues e soul, das raízes do Mississipi, passando pelo rock clássico, R&B e Southern Soul.
A apresentação ao vivo se dá nas quartas às 9 da manhã (horário de Cardiff) e a versão podcast é liberada sempre aos domingos, inclusive no iTunes.
Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/soulofthebluesradiocardiff
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/souloftheblues
Jeremy Rees no Twitter: https://twitter.com/JezzaTaff
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/souloftheblues
Jeremy Rees no Twitter: https://twitter.com/JezzaTaff
Soul of The Blues é membro da IBBA - the Independent Blues Broadcasters Association:http://www.bluesbroadcasters.co.uk/
Descrição do episodio:
The Christmas edition of Soul of The Blues with Jeremy Rees features tracks by Don Partridge; The Dove and Boweevil Band; Cotton Belly's; The Moon Birds; The Proof
Eric Bibb and Jean-Jacques Milteau; Hugh Laurie; Bert Deivert & Copperhead Run;
Amy Hart; Rob Berry; Sammy Grimes; Johnny Drummer, and ...er... The Ray Conniff Singers!
Eric Bibb and Jean-Jacques Milteau; Hugh Laurie; Bert Deivert & Copperhead Run;
Amy Hart; Rob Berry; Sammy Grimes; Johnny Drummer, and ...er... The Ray Conniff Singers!
First broadcast on Radio Cardiff 98.7FM on Wednesday 23rd December 2015 - and also heard on 89.2 RCFM (Rhine-Ruhr, Germany); Radio Goolarri 99.7 FM (Broome, Western Australia); WRFN 1025 (UK); Kansas City Online Radio (USA); Spellbound Harbour Radio 106.8 FM in Gisborne, New Zealand; Radio Heatwave (Spain); Pennine 235 (West Yorkshire, UK); Jazz & Bossa Radio (Puerto Rico) and MDORadioBlues (South Carolina, USA) and www.distintivoblue.com (Vitória da Conquista, Bahia, Brazil).
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