março 2016
Roahdouse 578
March 26, 2016
Perfect Conditions
March 26, 2016
Perfect Conditions
As we move into the spring new release cycle, I’ve got five artists in this edition making their debut in The Roadhouse. Evelyn Rubio with The Calvin Owens Blues Orchestra, Too Slim & The Taildraggers, Jeff Healey, Mavis Staples, and Sugar Pie DeSanto propel us along for the hour. New music, new artists and a new season out my window. Couldn’t ask for a better set of conditions to put together another hour of the finest blues you’ve never heard – the 578th Roadhouse.
The Roadhouse Podcast 578 Show Notes
Spotify user? Contribute to the Superstars of The Roadhouse Spotify playlist.
Evelyn Rubio with The Calvin Owens Blues Orchestra
Don’t You Want A Woman Like Me
Productions on Sea Speed, LLC
Amazon mp3
Don’t You Want A Woman Like Me
Productions on Sea Speed, LLC
Amazon mp3
Tom Waits
The Soul Of A Man
God Don’t Never Change: The Songs of Blind Willie Johnson
Amazon mp3
The Soul Of A Man
God Don’t Never Change: The Songs of Blind Willie Johnson
Amazon mp3
Supersonic Blues Machine
Remedy (featuring Warren Haynes)
West of Flushing, South of Frisco
Amazon mp3
Remedy (featuring Warren Haynes)
West of Flushing, South of Frisco
Amazon mp3
Roddie Romero & The Hub City All-Stars
CD Baby
The la Lousianne Session
CD Baby
The la Lousianne Session
Sugar Ray & The Bluetones *
Living Tear to Tear
Living Tear to Tear
Music Bed:
Golden State Lone Star Blues Revue
Walking With Mr. Lee
Golden State Lone Star Blues Revue
Amazon mp3
Golden State Lone Star Blues Revue
Walking With Mr. Lee
Golden State Lone Star Blues Revue
Amazon mp3

The Roadhouse Podcast by Tony Steidler-Dennison is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
O podcast Dragões de Garagem trouxe, em seu último episódio, um tema que nos é bastante familiar: a música. Aqui conhecemos um pouco sobre a estrutura técnica da música, enfatizando sua relação íntima com a matemática. O podcast é quinzenal e é direcionado à ciência e cultura pop. Aproveite para assinar.
I. Malforea
Lucas Camargos (@lmcamargos), Bruno Spacek, Patrick Simões (@patrickkalt), Gustavo William (@gustavozelele eAumente o Som) e Daniel Lima (@d42niel e Musicast) ajeitam suas partituras, afinam seus instrumentos e discutem a matemática e a ciência por trás da arte que, como diria Nietzsche tornaria a vida um erro caso não existisse: a música. Entenda os elementos do som. Diferencie som de ruído. Lembre-se das universidades de várzea do trívio medieval. Faça música dodecafônica sem repetir nenhum tom. Desprenda-se de preconceitos musicais e se ligue no compasso.
Podcast: Reproduzir em uma nova janela | Baixar (Duração: 1:14:07 — 50.9MB)
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Link para a página do episódio (com links citados no programa): clique aqui
Acaba de ser liberado nas plataformas de streaming o primeiro single do novo álbum do deus da guitarra, Eric Clapton. Can’t Let You Do It foi anunciada como a faixa 2 do álbum I Still Do, previsto para lançamento em 20 de maio e 23º de sua carreira.
A capa do álbum ficou por conta de Sir Peter Blake, que trabalhou, por exemplo, na capa do Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band. Sua assinatura, por sinal, está na capa do disco. No set list estão músicas inéditas e versões de ícones como Dylan e Johnson, para não perder o costume. Destaque para a participação de um certo Angelo Mysterioso em I’ll Be There, que é ninguém menos que George Harrison, quando participou do álbum Goodbye, do Cream (1969). Confira a música:
Track listing do álbum:
01. Alabama Woman Blues
02. Can’t Let You Do It
03. I Will Be There
04. Spiral
05. Catch The Blues
06. Cypress Grove
07. Little Man, You’ve Had a Busy Day
08. Stones In My Passway
09. I Dreamed I Saw St. Augustine
10. I’ll Be Alright
11. Somebody's Knockin'
12. I’ll Be Seeing You
01. Alabama Woman Blues
02. Can’t Let You Do It
03. I Will Be There
04. Spiral
05. Catch The Blues
06. Cypress Grove
07. Little Man, You’ve Had a Busy Day
08. Stones In My Passway
09. I Dreamed I Saw St. Augustine
10. I’ll Be Alright
11. Somebody's Knockin'
12. I’ll Be Seeing You
Músicos envolvidos:
Eric Clapton: Guitars, Tambourine & Vocals
Henry Spinetti: Drums & Percussion
Dave Bronze: Double Bass & Electric Bass
Andy Fairweather Low: Electric & Acoustic Guitar, Backing Vocals
Paul Carrack: Hammond Organ & Backing Vocals
Chris Stainton: Keyboards
Simon Climie: Keyboards, Electric & Acoustic Guitar
Dirk Powell – Accordion, Mandolin & Backing Vocals
Walt Richmond – Keyboards
Ethan Johns – Percussion
Michelle John – Background Vocals
Sharon White – Background Vocals
Angelo Mysterioso - Acoustic Guitar & Vocals on “I Will Be There”
Créditos do álbum:
Produzido por Glyn Johns
Eric Clapton: Guitars, Tambourine & Vocals
Henry Spinetti: Drums & Percussion
Dave Bronze: Double Bass & Electric Bass
Andy Fairweather Low: Electric & Acoustic Guitar, Backing Vocals
Paul Carrack: Hammond Organ & Backing Vocals
Chris Stainton: Keyboards
Simon Climie: Keyboards, Electric & Acoustic Guitar
Dirk Powell – Accordion, Mandolin & Backing Vocals
Walt Richmond – Keyboards
Ethan Johns – Percussion
Michelle John – Background Vocals
Sharon White – Background Vocals
Angelo Mysterioso - Acoustic Guitar & Vocals on “I Will Be There”
Créditos do álbum:
Produzido por Glyn Johns
The 577th Roadhouse has a lot of potential: to get your toes tapping, to hear some great blues that you might not have known about otherwise, and potential for some chair-dancing. Johnny Rawls, Steve Earle & The Dukes, Luther Dickinson, Guy King, Tasha Taylor – almost every track in the hour is new within the past 2 or 3 months or still to be released. In other words, there’s also the potential here for an hour that really just flies by and, of course, to be another hour of the finest blues you’ve never heard.
The Roadhouse Podcast 577 Show Notes
Spotify user? Contribute to the Superstars of The Roadhouse Spotify playlist.
Luther Dickinson
Highwater (Soldier)
New West Records
Blues & Ballads (A Folksinger’s Songbook), Vol I & II
Amazon mp3
Highwater (Soldier)
New West Records
Blues & Ballads (A Folksinger’s Songbook), Vol I & II
Amazon mp3
Golden State Lone Star Blues Revue
Ludky Kewpie Doll
Golden State Lone Star Blues Revue
Amazon mp3
Ludky Kewpie Doll
Golden State Lone Star Blues Revue
Amazon mp3
Robben Ford & The Blue Line
Start It Up (Live At Yoshi’s)
Blue Thumb Records
The Authorized Bootleg
Amazon mp3
Start It Up (Live At Yoshi’s)
Blue Thumb Records
The Authorized Bootleg
Amazon mp3
* The Roadhouse Premium, Deluxe and App only.

The Roadhouse Podcast by Tony Steidler-Dennison is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
In this edition of The Roadhouse, we pack up an move to Chicago for an hour of contemporary blues from the Windy City. Magic Slim, Billy Boy Arnold, James Cotton, Hound Dog Taylor, and Byther Smith set the stage for an hour of blues as distinctive as any other feature of the city. From the home of the blues, the 576th Roadhouse is another hour of the finest blues.
The Roadhouse Podcast 576 Show Notes
Spotify user? Contribute to the Superstars of The Roadhouse Spotify playlist.
Luther “Guitar Junior” Johnson
Who’s That Come Walkin’
Rounder Records
I Want To Groove With You
Amazon mp3
Who’s That Come Walkin’
Rounder Records
I Want To Groove With You
Amazon mp3
* The Roadhouse Premium, Deluxe and App only.
The Roadhouse Podcast by Tony Steidler-Dennison is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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