Apresentado por Jeremy Rees, Soul of the Blues é um programa semanal independente dedicado ao blues, apresentado na Radio Cardiff (País de Gales, UK). Sua linha passeia entre o blues e soul, das raízes do Mississipi, passando pelo rock clássico, R&B e Southern Soul.
A apresentação ao vivo se dá nas quartas às 9 da manhã (horário de Cardiff) e a versão podcast é liberada sempre aos domingos, inclusive no iTunes.
Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/soulofthebluesradiocardiff
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/souloftheblues
Jeremy Rees no Twitter: https://twitter.com/JezzaTaff
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/souloftheblues
Jeremy Rees no Twitter: https://twitter.com/JezzaTaff
Soul of The Blues é membro da IBBA - the Independent Blues Broadcasters Association:http://www.bluesbroadcasters.co.uk/
Soul of The Blues is a weekly show on Radio Cardiff (11pm on Wednesdays, repeated 7am on Saturdays). This edition features tracks from..
Matilda Gracia
Sweet Bourbon & The Bourbonnettes
Mindi Abair And The Boneshakers
G&T Mix [Tone Tanner & Garrington T. Jones]
Trainman Blues
Dave Ferra
Jessy Martens And Band
Wily Bo Walker & E D Brayshaw
Greaseland All-Stars
Andrew Robert Eustice
Kelly Z
Ghalia & Mama's Boys
Little Freddie King
Savoy Brown
Produced & presented by Jeremy Rees, this edition was broadcast on Radio Cardiff 98.7FM on Wednesday 18th October 2017. It was also heard in syndication on radio stations in Australia (Radio Goolarri), Germany (RCFM), New Zealand (Spellbound Harbour Radio), Puerto Rico ( Jazz & Bossa Radio), Slovakia (RTI), USA (KCOR), and in the UK (WRFN 1025; Pennine 1 Radio, Yorkshire; and Pirate Nation Radio, Bristol).

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